Prepare next year's federal return quickly and easily. With H&R Block TaxCut Premium Federal + State + E-file, you will get extra assistance and money-saving advice to maximize deductions. Plus, you'll receive additional guidance for complex tax situations. In the event of an audit, receive personal assistance from an IRS-licensed Enrolled Agent with audit representation expertise - not a self-serve Web site or FAQ page. Error Check - automatically double-checks your return for errors E-file your return, and get your refund in as little to 8-15 days Customized Tax Advice on changing tax situations, including getting married, having a baby and buying a home Schedule C Support - Extra deduction help for the self-employed, including home office, rental property and depreciation assistance Business Expense Assistant - extra guidance to make sure you're claiming all deductible business expense, including advertising costs, meals and travel expenses, and office supplies Investor Guidance - Additional help figuring cost basis for investment income IRS Publications - Quick access to IRS Publications Tax Tip Video - H&R Block pros explain how changing tax laws affect you