Gerber 22-41847 DF8 Sharpener, Clam PackGerber designs tools, knives and outdoor gear that is essential, not only for the task at hand, but for bringing back something lost, self-reliance. Gerber. Fend For YourselfWith the DF8 Sharpener you get perfect 30 degree edges quickly and easily every time. There are no special skills needed to sharpen all types of knives and axes. The specially curved diamond coated fingers replicate the swipe across a traditional honing steel. One swipe through the DF8 equals eight swipes across a regular steel. Once you use this sharpener blades almost never need regrinding because the edges never get rounded like they can with other honing and sharpening steels. Small table top, compact design.Gerber 22-41847 DF8 Sharpener, Clam Pack Features:; Diamond coated fingers replicate traditional honing steel; Sharpens blades at 30 degree edge every time; Compact design